Beit Iba, Jit, Mon 28.7.08, Morning
08: 25. Jit junction open 08.30. Beit Iba. We stop at the kiosk for coffee and halva. Lots of taxis, but little business for their drivers.At the entrance to Nablus a few cars that pass after a quick check against the list of those entitled to enter by car to Nablus. Buses pass without the passengers having to descend but their IDs,are checked against the list. At the exit from Nablus there is an unusually long line of cars. The tenth car in line passes after 15 minutes. Then a line builds up again. A doghandler is present and his dog checks principally porters and their baggage. The porter has to unload all his wares from the wagon and the dog sniffs sometimes right into the package. Today a large number of goods is allowed to pass at a time.At the pedestrian passage at the entrance a queue builds up from time to time, but dwindles fairly quickly. The soldiers are efficient and polite. Women, children and old persons are not checked.At the exit from Nablus few people are passing. The magnometer is beeping as usual.Two detainees