Beit Iba, Jit, Wed 30.7.08, Morning

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Netty A., Rina Tz. (reporting) Translation: Judith G.


Summary:  Because of a military operation inside Nablus, the checkpoint was closed to vehicles for half an hour, but a long line did not form since, in any case, only a small number of vehicles are permitted to enter Nablus (population150,000).

 Beit Iba. Today is the holy day of the ascent of Muhammed to heaven so the universities are closed and very few people enter Nablus.  07:255 military vehicles are parked on the side of the road.  Gradually, another 2 arrive.  It turns out that at this time there is a military operation in one of the neighborhoods of Nablus.  Radio Nablus reports that two youths were arrested.  There are reinforcements that are ready to enter if there is need.  In another half hour, the operation is over and the vehicles leave.

 From 7:30-8:00 no vehicles entered Nablus.  During this whole a line of only about 15 vehicles formed!  This clearly reflects the policy of withholding entrance permits for vehicles going to Nablus.  No one complained.  Discouraging.

 At the pedestrian checkpoint everything was as usual.  Hardly anyone entering Nablus today, since it is the holy day of the ascent of Muhammed to Heaven and the universities are closed.  Today they do not remove the passengers from the buses, but check them inside the bus.  Also in taxis. The commander, vice-lieutenant S. and the DCO rep handle everything quietly and also answer our quesitons.  At the exit from Nablus there are a few people, as usual at this hour.  The take off belts and sometimes put their shoes in the magnometer.  The commander, who is usually polite, violently banishes a father and his son who try to get dressed again in a "sterileinfo-icon area".

 And again, as usual lately, the checkpoint is shiny clean.

Jit Junction - empty.

 Shvut Ami - The Palestinian house which became an illegal outpost is empty.  They ripped out its windows and doors.  Among the trees, also Palestinian property, the campsite of the settlers is still intact, looking like a picnic ground.