'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Azzun, Jit, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Wed 6.8.08, Afternoon
14:10 Qalqilya
At the checkpoint, at the exit from the city, there’s a single car. There are three cars at the entrance; The parking lot is filled with cabs waiting for passengers.
The entrance to ‘Azzun is open.
The Jitt checkpoint is not staffed, and opposite the lone, abandoned house, [Jewish] teenagers have “settled” in an encampment.
16:20 Anabta
When we arrived at the entrance to the checkpoint from the direction of Tulkarm, a number of vehicles arrived that passed through almost without inspection. The flow of vehicle traffic was steady all the time we were there.
At the exit from Tulkarm, there was a queue of 20 cars that were inspected quickly and almost with no waiting.
Near the corner at the exit to the main road, a private car with Israeli license plates and no other identifying features was parked. In it were police waiting to “hunt,” and of course preventing cars from stopping to buy figs [at a stand there].
16:50 Te’enim (Figs) Crossing
A soldier opened the Jubara gate.
17:00 Ar-Ras checkpoint
After we crossed through the Children’s Gate, the soldiers tried to identify who we were, and let us cross to Ar-Ras.
At the entrance to the checkpoint from the direction of Ar-Ras, an additional fence has been placed. According to the checkpoint commander’s explanation, this is to indicate to drivers entering Tulkarm that they should prepare to stop at the post to have their vehicles inspected. The road here is really in poor condition and causes drivers to slow down; this definitely appears to be deliberate.
At the inspection post for those coming from Tulkarm, there are some ten vehicles being checked by the CP commander and an additional soldier, and a soldier is standing at the post.