Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills

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Muhammad and Daphna; Translator: Natanya

Sunday, Meitar checkpoint, busy as usual ... The police are very present. They allow no parking along the road and tow cars which are there.

We have received information from a Dahariya a contractor, who says that at the entrance to the settlement Eshcolot  a security guard with a weapon is attached to each group of workers within the settlement.

We reached Khursa, to Tawfiq. The checkpoints near his house which are  about 100 meters from each other, with the pillbox in the middle, and also a building used by the family, are often closed for for special events. So as not to have problems they announce each event in advance. There are usually no problems. Before the checkpoints were open and the Palestinians could travel from Khursa to nearby villages. Today, we had to make a detour. On the concrete blocks and fences hang several Israeli flags, right in front of the shops and the eyes of the residents ... Soldiers occasionally patrol the street, but no longer enter homes. Overall, Tawfiq speaks of a calm period.

On the way to El  Fawwar, we passed by a fire and rescue base in the southern Hebron Mountains, where the  settlers live. As we reported before, we saw new foundations, preparation for the addition of caravans.

We arrived in El Fawwar  the checkpoint was open. But when we talked to people at the grocery store at the entrance to the town, they sounded most desperate, the checkpoints close down arbitrarily, making life more and more difficult ... and they do not see a solution to the conflict ...