Etzion DCL

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Shlomit Steinitz, Natanya Ginsburg

Until nearly the end of our shift there was very little to do, except to hand out first aid in the way of handing out phone numbers for various problems. As always, besides others, Sylvia and her team. But for nearly the whole of the first hour an army vehicle stood in the enclosure behind "Our office" with two soldiers, a man and a woman, who kept the lights on the entire time and also the engine of the car going as if they expected to be called out to a new intifada. There was no point in trying to call them to ask them why this is so, as even if they would have deigned to get out of the car to speak to two old leftists. and that the same leftists paying for the waste of energy. 

A young boy, retarded and with speech difficulties, arrived with his father from Beit Ummar. He is in a special school in Shuafat in Jerusalem but each time the father has problems with the permit for the boy. He very much wants him to continue as much as possible with his studies but each time they get a permit for a limited period and then there are again problems in renewing it. He spoke to the Moked who advised him to phone Saint Yves.