Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Tue 23.9.08, Afternoon
On our way to Wadi Naar, we noticed three police vehicles inspecting cars heading into Azariah. Perhaps this was additional vigilance or just harrassment in the aftermath of last night's attack at Tzahal Square. In any case, several vehicles were inspected inside and out and there was a hold up of a line of cars. Interestingly enough, there was no check of vehicles heading out of Azariah.
Wadi Naar:
There were three border police monitoring the traffic heading toward Bethlehem. No one was standing on the other side of the checkpoint so those three were directing traffic from both directions. Most of the time, they were more or less interacting among each other and paid scant attention to those passing through. As a result, traffic (which was abundant as the time to the end of the fast drew near) moved very quickly. On occasion, a vehicle was stopped and checked, but that was very rare and at no point were there more than 8 cars waiting in line.
For whatever reason, the concrete blocks which blocked traffic heading away from the checkpoint toward Qadar were removed although no vehicles dared pass through. Many workers were left off on that road. They then walked toward the checkpoint and boarded transits heading toward Bethlehem so they did not have to pass through the pedestrian crossing.
There were no unusual incidents.