'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Sun 5.10.08, Afternoon
Qalqilya, Anabta, Jubara, A Ras, Sunday 5/10/08 pm E only
13:20 – No vehicles entering and few coming out, traffic flows, and soon there is no queue at all. A bus passes, and is pulled to the side so as not to obstruct the flow of traffic. The young men are taken off the bus and their IDs are taken and looked at by the soldiers; the young men walk to the other side of the CP. After about 5 minutes the IDs are returned to the bus driver and the bus continues and picks up the young men.
16:30 – No vehicles entering Tulkarm and only 2 coming from Tulkarm.
16:50 – A friendly greeting by the soldiers and the gate is opened quickly. We notice that there are new railings in the middle island, where the Border Police stand is. A soldier tells us that it has nothing to do with the army CP, it is for Israeli Arabs.
A Ras
16:55 – No vehicles coming from either direction; when a car arrives the soldiers check inside the vehicles and chitchat with the driver and then it drives on.