Ar-Ram, Jaba (Lil), Qalandiya, Thu 20.11.08, Afternoon
Yael l -J (reporting ) Avital F' ( driver)
Because of heavy traffic about 4 PM, our
usual time, we were trying to get to Qalandiya earlier. We met already at 2
PM and choose the way over Hisme. This
was wrong. We were stopped at Jaba CP by the young soldiers there. None of them had ever heard about
"Machsom Watch". We explained them and I asked them to call their
superior to check that we would have a permit for passing this way with all
it's checkpoints . They did not, and selfconcious one young man answered "I am
the commander". Anyway we could not pass and had to turn. Instead of
winning time we lost and were arriving at Qalandiya after a trip through Hisme
and A Ram, only after 3 PM
The car traffic to Ramallah was flowing without
being checked. The crossing for Pedestrians to Jerusalem was almost empty.
Only a few people were passing fast. So did we.
being checked. The crossing for Pedestrians to Jerusalem was almost empty.
Only a few people were passing fast. So did we.