Beit Furik, Huwwara, Tue 18.11.08, Afternoon

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Dorit H., Hanna K. (reporting)

Translation: Hanna K.

14:20 - Huwwara.
There is no load. It was clarified to us that the university campus is on strike, therefore there are few students. All the rest is as usual: the thorny gloomy CP, the x-ray machine, the black dog, the big cage.
A passing young man told us that he is from east-Jerusalem. He has a blue ID card. We looked at it: nationality - nothing (four stars where in our ID cards is written: Jewish). He is a resident, not a citizen in the State of Israel. Acoording to him difficulties were heaped on him at the elections for the Palestinian Authority. He has no passport, just a laissez passer. A citizen of the world without citizenship in any place.

15:30 - The army CP at Beit Furik.
 According to the enormous strange signpost at the entrance to the CP "forces of the Palestinian Police act here", as it were "the area is under the sovereignity of the Palestinian Authority".
At the entrance to Nablus a car is waiting for 20 minutes until a soldier signals from a distance that one is allowed to approach.
Suddenly two soldiers chase an Israeli car that doesn't stop, the CP is closed for a short while. An attempt to talk to the CP commander fails. The CP is routinely estranged. One of the turnstile gatesinfo-icon is not in order: a father and his small child get stuck and are extricated. A woman gets stuck and waits. Somebody talks to her (no fear: not one of the soldiers) and makes it clear to her that she cannot go through, and helps her to excricate herself.
A Palestinian man and a Palestinian woman turn to us to help the son of the woman to return to his home from Nablus. The son is retarded, passes the CP every day, he arrived at Nablus this morning, but now it transpired that he has no ID cars. At the "center" they identify the woman as being the mother of one son only and according to her she has four children, of which the retarded young man is one. After some time they probably returned to Nablus.
We left.
