'Anabta, 'Azzun, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 22.12.08, Morning
Natanya translating.
6.35 Eilyahua passage
A few workers in line.
6.40 Qalqiliya
Quiet. No lines at the entrance and a short one at the exit (about 3-7 cars during our shift.=). Pedestrians go around without being checked.
7.00 Azun
No blockage.
9.00 Anabta.
The moment we arrived a soldier ran up to tell us to stand behind the cement block. We refused even in face of a threat to stop the checking. The rest of the soldiers were dafke interested in our activities and asked us many questions. No lines and a random checking and now and again the IDs of those in cars were checked.
9.10 The checking of IDs at the entrance took more than two minutes and a line of 17 cars piled up which soon emptied out. Israeli cars were allowed in.
9.45 The Taniem passage. A meeting of several dog trainers. At the side is a Palestinian Israeli car which was there to be checked but though we waited a few minutes while waiting for the gate to be opened it was not checked by a dog.
9.50 Jubara.
2 illegal workers are waiting. They were told to go to A-Ras for further checking.
9.55 A-Ras.
There are cement blocks in the direction of Jubara to stop swift passage. An Israeli car comes from the direction of Qalqiliya and goes into Tulkarm with no problem. The soldiers are reservists who stand at the side and now and again stop a car to check both ID and contents and this includes cars in either direction.
The IDs of the illegal workers are checked in the net and within 15 minutes they are freed.