Qalqiliya, Sun 18.1.09, Afternoon
13:40 No vehicles entering Qalqiliya, but there are about 15 vehicles
waiting to exit. We see 3 men, dressed in civilian clothing, at the
far checkpoint, from time to time approaching the vehicles and
talking to the drivers, checking IDs, they are also stopping at
random vehicles entering Qalqiliya. We are told by the soldiers not
to photograph the `civilians', when asked who are they, we were
brushed off with a mumble "not important".
16:25 About 20 vehicles coming out of Tulkarm, drivers' IDs are being
checked at random, moving, but slowly.
16:55 We are greeted by the soldiers with a friendly shalom, and a
prompt opening of the gate to Ar Ras.
Ar Ras
16:58 Approximately 12 vehicles coming from Tulkarm, and a few from
the East, their IDs are being checked and the trunks of the vehicle.
The soldiers are working and the queues are moving. We leave at 17:15