'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 9.2.09, Afternoon
A-Ras. 13.45
It took the soldier 5 minutes to come to open the gate to
Jubara. He looked for the key and when he found it asked another
soldier to accompany him because he was scared to go alone. He asked us
if he had a permit to go in and phoned the operation room to get it.
When he did he asked why we had curtains on the windows, if we were
hiding Palestinians and asked to see our IDs as if our Machsomwatch
badges were not sufficient. We went through gate 753 with no problems
and also a bus with children passed through with no delay.
14.05 A civil police jeep stands at the road in front of the sentry tower. Two policeman wander round the checkpoint.
is much movement of cars in all directions. A soldier signs to cars
coming from Qalqiliya to Tulkarm to pass through. The cars coming from
Tulkarm are checked carefully by two soldiers. The soldier in the
sentry tower asks if he can help. When we ask if he knows who we are he
says yes and that he is not for us.
of the policemen stops a taxi after it had passed the checking of the
soldier, takes the ID and tells the car to wait at the side. It has
many passengers. One of them does not have his seat belt on and the
policeman writes a ticket. So he does to other taxis.
14.55 Anabta. Manned by soldiers but hardly any movement in or out of Tulkarm.