'Anata, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Mon 16.2.09, Morning
Eliyahu Passage
05:50 – Not many cars are here at this
early hour. The workers pass.
07:55 – Free entering and leaving.
A dog trainer who has just arrived gets organized with her dog at the
exit checkpoint. While we are there no car is checked.
We notice a new fence of barbed wire
coils laid in an olive grove opposite the checkpoint. The fence stretches
uphill toward the settlement of Einav.
The Figs Passage
08:30 – The gate is opened without
any problem. At the Schoolchildren's Gate (753) there are still soldiers
and also 3 detainees whose documents are being checked.
08:40 – Free passage.
We go on through Ar-Ras toward Azzun
via the villages Ar-Ras, Kafr Sur, Kafr Jammal and Jaiyus. The way is
beautiful and there is no military presence.
We leave Azzun and go to Qalqiliya.
09:30 – We never get to Qalqiliya at
this hour.
The parking lot is full of Israeli cars
and Palestinian taxis. Israeli citizens are allowed to enter Qalqiliya
without their vehicles (save for those who have a special permit and
their vehicle number is on a list). The taxi drivers complain they can
scarcely make a living because people have no money…
In both directions there are no lines
although the soldiers stop most of the cars and ask the drivers where
from and where to they travel.
Some drivers complain that yesterday
(i.e. Sunday) there were very long lines all afternoon and until the
evening and ask why we weren't there to help…
We leave through Eliyahu Passage, where
we are asked politely to open the trunk for a check.