'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Qalqiliya, Thu 26.2.09, Afternoon
14.20 – 14.30 A-Ras. Cars in the direction of Tulkarm not checked. From Tulkarm 6 cars.
At the entrance there are 15 cars and at the exit no cars are being
sent through. There are at least 40 cars ( we cannot count to the end).
6 minutes after we arrived cars from Anabta are checked and then no
cars are checked from the other side. After a few minutes they succeed
in sending cars through from both directions. Some minutes later those
exiting are sent through without being checked. All the same very long
queues form in both directions because all cars even those not checked
have to wait for the soldier to wave them on.
Again the cars exiting are not allowed through. The soldiers are busy
chatting and only after a few minutes go back to waving their hands.
Israeli cars exit and enter with no checking.
15.20 We leave while there were still 15 cars at the exit and none at the entrance.
Qalqiliya. When we got there the checkpoint was empty. Cars went
through without being checked and there were no soldiers present. When
we got to the checking area the soldiers saw us, came out of the tent
and said that they had gone to rest for a few minutes and again started
checking cars. We asked a boy in the area if there had been a line
previously and he said no.