'Anata, Ar-Ram, Hizma, Jaba (Lil), Qalandiya, יום ה' 19.3.09, אחה"צ
From 2:30 till 6:00 PM
Givat Zeev CP, Vocational School Atarot, Qalandia, Leel, road via Hizme to
Jericho Road, Anata, A-Ram, Nebi Samuel and Ramot CP.
Our shift this time involved a lot of driving. The wall along the road from
Ramot to Givat Zeev is now almost completed and it is hard to discern where
the lower road under the highway, meant only for Palestinians is actually
located. The G. Zeev CP has been built up and looks as if it will turn into
one of the major passages into the W. Bank. At this time we could drive all
the way to where huge boulders blocked our way to the cars and cabs waiting
for workers to return home. Two or three actually already proceeded on foot
via a dirt track to a small shed where a soldier was checking their
In search of our friend the Principal of the Vocational High school in
Atarot, we heard that schools are closed on Thursdays and Fridays - the
students who live far off (Jenin, Nablus and Hebron) go home on
Wednesday-afternoon to return to classes on Saturday morning. We will try
and find Mr. Wasfi Tamimi on another day. We took the guard of the school
who had finished his shift, to the Qalandia CP and crossed North with the
car without any delay, then continued along heaps of garbage and also
beautifully exhibited vegetable stands via Leel (again no control
whatsoever) and decided to take the road all the way down to the Mishor
Adumim Industrial Area. On the way we saw new road construction and parked
cars at the Eastern entrance to Anata and then encountered the signs of the
soon to be constructed Nofei Anatot settlement. Further down the road we
noticed how the Bedouin are being pushed aside by enormous quarries. On the
right we got a good view of the Police HQs on Area E1 and then saw the first
signs telling us that ‘Mevasseret Adumin is HERE!' We then went into Anata
from the West and saw that more vegetable stands have been erected and
another elongated ‘cage' has been set up on the northern side of the road,
facilitating the work of the soldiers checking those who exit to Jerusalem.
The BP-girl didn't check our Id's when she realized we were Watch Women.
We then continued to A-Ram and saw that the wall indeed now closed off the
entire neighborhood, facilitating the access for us to Qalandia. The ‘random'
Atarot CP, which has been almost empty when we passed from the other side,
now had to deal with a long line of waiting cars, but we left unhindered to
the other direction. In Nebi Samuel there were lots of cars and buses at the
Jewish site. In the village we noted farm animals (sheep, donkeys and
chickens) in a couple of improvised pens and wondered whether the Red Cross
had provided them. Our acquaintance of the grocery store was very upset. He
had bought loads of vegetables wanting to make some kind of a living and had
set up a stand (on his own land) near the Jewish Pilgrimage site, hoping to
do a brisk business. An orthodox Jewish ‘friend' (his ‘brother') a dropout
from the Yeshiva on that spot confirmed the story. He had been given three
days to dismantle everything and when he was not fast enough, the ‘minhal' -
people who demolish houses sent by the Civil Administration - had come and
trampled over everything causing him to lose a lot of money because he had
invested in vegetables the local population doesn't eat, such as beets,
sweet potatoes, etc. He can now throw it all away. He has contacted B'Tselem
and his lawyer and begged us to report on the matter, which we promised to
At the Ramot CP we saw a police car stopping cars at random and also two
cars parked on the side of the road, when we went to investigate it turned
out that one of the cars had punctured tires because it had driven over the
police barrier and waited for assistance and that the police was after
stolen cars; the Border Police soldier who assisted them answered us: "Don't
worry this is not a CP in the territories," implying that here all they do
is OK unlike on the other side of the wall.