Qalandiya, Sun 15.3.09, Morning
We arrived around 7am and were amazed to see that there were almost no people in the waiting area and by 7.30 the whole area was empty.
The only important thing to report is that we spoke to some of line 18 bus drivers. This line goes from Jerusalem to Kalandiya. They told us that from Thursday children, women and old people who will get on the bus at the vehicle checkpoint will not be able to continue to Jerusalem via Atarot , they will have to go to the pedestrians checkpoint and get on a bus in the parking lot at the exit.
We spoke to the Civil administration officer, we asked him to check why now, after Ar-Ram checkpoint is close, and more people are passing via Qalandiya what is the reason they have to be introduced this new restriction. Everybody knows that if these same people will take the expensive bus to Jerusalem via Hizme checkpoint (the same blue ID holders) nobody will check them there!
We will report what we hear later