Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Sun 5.4.09, Morning
Maitar-Sansana CP
Many cars were seen at the parking lot though at the Palestinian side the last group was entering the sleeve. Tow buses with prisoners' families were waiting to be checked. One of the girls at the checking point was shouting on the workers and we asked Shlomy to restrain her.
Road No. 60
The main CP at Dura- El Fawar and Sheep J. were open. Children were walking along the road on their way to school.
Military vehicles were seen at several junctions on the way to Abraham's Cave, probably in reaction to some violent events on Shabath. The city was generally quite. A new unit of peashooters was posted in the city.
Pharmacy CP – all quite
Tarpat CP – smooth passing of pupils
Tel Rumaida – 5 soldiers watching the passers by, some of them were checked very quickly.
Road No.35
The humanitarian CP was closed. All the passes towards Hebron were open including Idna.
Road No. 317
Zif J. was open, the road seemed deserted, only farmers were seen around plaguing the fields for summer crops.