Reihan, Shaked, Sun 29.3.09, Morning
Translation: Devorah K.
At 6:30 six pickup trucks with goods are waiting in the lower parking lot. The pedestrians' gate is empty. Four cars are being inspected. Two are waiting on the road. A taxi going in the direction of the West Bank is inspected in exactly seven minutes, including the passengers.
6:37 - an agricultural worker whose employer waited for him until 6:30 returns home. He has lost a day's work. At 6:45 nine pickup trucks with goods are now waiting for the passage to open. Four cars go on their way at 6:55. Our acquaintance, the driver, A., claims that some of the workers have not arrived because of the rain and others have still not adjusted to daylight saving time.
At 7:10 our hitchhiker goes through after the children.
At 7:20 a big group of children enters. The adults are allowed to enter one by one. The passage in the CP proceeds and we go on our way to Jalameh, where the little girl who is treated daily in Rambam is waiting for us. Today, she smiles at us.