Falamiya North Checkpoint (914), Falamiya South Checkpoint (935), Kufr Jammal

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Tirza A. (photographing) Karin (photographing and reporting)

12:15 We arrived early at the village of Jamal and tarried at Z.’s, he was very pleased, by everything. He is building a big house for all his children, his eldest son is getting married in a month, works at Emmanuel, plaster. The second works for the neighbor, building. It is quiet in the village, everybody is working, some in Israel some at the settlements and at the village itself too. He has difficulties finding a worker to finish the building project, nobody has anything to do with the army or the soldiers, there is no stone throwing, they have no time for this.  It is therefore annoying that the army passes through the village as it did about ten days ago in the middle of the night, when everybody was asleep and shoots along the main road a few stun grenades.

Another person arrives who is not pleased at all.  Z. is not at a hurry to translate his complaints, although we asked him to. In the end we understood that he and his brothers have 50 dunams, near Sal’it. The greater part of the plot, including the well which was very important to him, was robbed in favour of the sepration obstacle. For the remaining part he doesn’t get an authorization to pass by the Sal’it CP (839) but only by Falamiya North, 3 kilometres further.

13:55 The CP is already open, the tractors returning from the fields have passed, near the pump building a tractor unloads the Za’tar into a small truck and returns to the plot beyond the fence, to return at nightfall.

Hothouses on the way to Falamiya 935
Hothouses on the way to Falamiya 935
Karin L
Tirtza and Za’tar, Falamiya 914
Tirtza and Za’tar, Falamiye 914
Tirtza A

We continued to the Palamie South (935) CP and wondered at the development momentum at the lands which were returned to the inhabitants of Palamie and Jiyus when the fence was moved to the west according to the decision of the high court of justice. When the plots are behind a fence and approach is permitted just twice of three times a day, there is no possibility to have a real agriculture.

Youngsters crowd on a tractor on the way back to Jayous.
Youngsters crowd on a tractor on the way back to Jayous.
Karin L
A lemon grove on the way to Falamiya South.
A lemon grove on the way to Falamiya South.
Karin L

13:25 Falamiya South (935) CP , which serves mainly the inhabitants of Jayous. It was opened on time. We talked with a few farmers, they have no problem at the moment with permit, just one person complained that the validity of his permit was going to expire in a week and that there was no possibility to apply for a new one before the date of the expiration, contrary to the written instructions.