Neta Golan and Shuli Bar (Reporter and taking photos). Translation M.L and B. B-A
Route 611 at six in the morning
Shuli Bar
it is still a little dark, but many people already wait on the sides of the road for transportation. Almost everyone travels to work on construction in Harish City. They arrive from the West Bank and cross via the breaches in the Separation Fence and at places that are close to the highway. There is no need to form groups at the checkpoints. There is no need for passing permits and no permits for vaccine inoculations. The phenomenon is to obviate the need for the checkpoints. Perhaps the Occupation is over and we didn’t pay attention? Our logo, “No to Checkpoints,” is more appropriate than ever.
Route 611
Shuli Bar
Traveling to work in a taxi. In the background is the city of Harish, which provides employment to tens of thousands of Palestinians
The small Palestinian settlement of Luxor in front of Road 611
Shuli Bar
Most of the people crossing, park their cars or come in taxis to Luxor, a tiny settlement consisting of five houses. Parking costs NIS 5 – 10, Yet some Palestinians here benefit from the occupation.
Anin: A breach inside a checkpoint
Shuli Bar
A’anin is an agricultural Checkpoint that designated for farmers from the village of A’anin. People cross here twice a week to their olive groves that are situated on the other side of the separation fence. Tracctor drivers must drive through the checkpoint, while pedestrians simply walk through the hole in the fence at the center of the checkpoint. Two days ago the soldiers were three and a half hours late opening the checkpoint. M., the farmer who always comes at the same time, obediently waited for the soldiers, but did not come today. His son was sick and he stayed at home with him. Today, ironically, the soldiers arrived on time, waited for him for 15 minutes, and then left.