'Atil, Deir al-Ghusun
We organized an enhanced shift for getting acquainted with the checkpoints at the Tul Karem sector, checkpoints which our members scarcely reach. We hope that following this shift, other shifts will reach these checkpoints, during their opening hours.
Here too, as in other regions, the delays are insufferable, and as Amira describes, the more their lives are in our hands, the more we tighten our control over their time.
We reached Azun to bring parcels of clothes and toys to Z.’s shop. We were happy to observe that his condition was gradually getting better. From Azun we continued northwards and reached the Atil CP number 609’ at 12:30. (when driving by way of the West Bank, the trip lasted one and a half hours).
The Atil CP 609 is still closed. There is an enormous puddle on the way to it.
The checkpoint, amidst hothouses and agricultural plots on both sides, was supposed to be opened at 12:45. When it wasn't, at 13:00, Shoshi called the DCO and has been told that the opening hour now was 13:00. We talked with a few people who were waiting by the gate and they all confirmed that they had never been informed that the opening hour now was 13:00. All told us that the CP was often opened late, sometimes very late. For example, on the previous day, it was opened at 13:30, and in the afternoon at 17:30 instead of at 15:30.
According to their reports, about 250 persons pass by this CP per day, at the three opening times.
There is a signpost but no information.Thus it is possible to open the gate at will…
About ten persons and a tractor were waiting at the CP. The soldiers arrived at 13:10, and the CP was opened at 13:20. When it was finally opened everybody passed quickly. From the opposite side, 6 tractors with 4-5 persons in each and a few dozens of pedestrians were returning.
We met out friend G., who told us that the delays in the opening of the CP gate are insufferable. Sometimes the delay is an hour or two and sometimes more. One evening the gate was opened at 20:00. They are given no explanation when the soldiers finally arrive. He also sold us that his merchant permit to enter Israel had been taken from him, even though he has all the paperwork. We promised to try and help. We gave him the telephone number of Zipi and asked him to report to us on every problem at the CP and the village.
We asked the soldiers about the delay, and they answered us that it was no business of ours and that they were answerable to their commander only.
In any case, we are not permitted to enter the area between the gates as it was “a military zone."
We drove to the Dir el A’usson no 629, which was supposed to be opened at 13:30, and was opened at 13:40.
About six pedestrians and one tractor entered. From the other side two tractors, a donkey and about 10 pedestrians returned to the village. The passage was quick and was finished within a few minutes. According to the reports we got, about 150 persons pass at the CP, at the three times a day it is opened.
We drove to see the Zeita CP, a big checkpoint situated in an agricultural area on all sides. It is not opened on Tuesdays only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
It is important to point out that the agricultural gates create enormous difficulties and put a great burden on the farmers, even when they are opened on time. Anybody who has some knowledge about agricultural work can understand the burden imposed on a farmer who has 2-3 hours of work on the field in the morning, but is forced to arrive at the gate before 06:00 and then cannot return home until 14:00. Seven or eight hours, a waste of many hours, sometimes in cold or rainy weather or scorching sun, without shelter.