Habla checkpoint - workers are waiting in the heat for the late opening of the gate

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Shoshi (driving and photos) Pitzi (report and photos), Dana (translating)

We set out to meet Z. and bring him lots of packages that were received as a donation. Z. met us with his wife, S., at the exit from Nabi Elias. They both look thin and sad. Z. asked if we could help him with the rent, it's hard for them.

On the way back to the nurseries, we saw extensive construction on the right side of the road, probably expanding Zufim, on Palestinian lands of course. After all, everything was given to us by Abraham, our forefather, and there is no such thing as "Palestinian lands". And in this day and age, who can stand up to the settlers?

We drove to O.. Because he is fasting, we didn't sit and chat over a cup of coffee as we always do. He said that the gate opens at 1:20 p.m., so we went there. All breaches in the fence are repaired with wire mesh and barbed wire coils. The pedestrian gate is locked. It is not possible to pass if the gate is closed. And the gate is closed

The soldiers did arrive, (at about half past one), but they are sitting in the air-conditioned car and do not open the gate. It is very hot outside, and about fifty workers and six cars have already gathered. The fasting workers did not eat or drink from very early in the morning. It seems that the soldiers are not interested. They are waiting for another unit which hasn’t yet arrived. This is what one of the soldiers tells us, who detected impatience among those waiting and decided to explain why they are not opening. The unit that is supposed to arrive is new in the field, he says, so they got confused about the location of the gate. Without them, he said, it is impossible to start. They secure the unit that opens the gate or vice versa.

Around two o'clock the confused ones arrive. Then the gatesinfo-icon are quickly opened, and everyone is allowed to pass without any inspection. Beautiful, right?

We take advantage of the visit to the nursery to buy incredibly cheap seedlings so that we will find something happy following this frustration. We said goodbye to O. and returned home. We used to say - we’re returning to normalcy. Nowadays we don't know what we are returning to.