Tura Checkpoint: A student crossed to attend high school in Jenin.

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Tami Rituv and Hannah Heller Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham


7.15 – 6.00

Barta’a Checkpoint – 06:00 – The upper parking lot was filled with people who had already crossed the checkpoint and were traveling to work.   People coming out of the terminal greeted us and told us that they had crossed quickly, and there were no complaints.  The kiosk was closed, and the Palestinian who sold coffee outside the checkpoint had run out of coffee.   There was a new director at the checkpoint.


A taxi driver from Barta’a who had a permit to cross the checkpoint with his taxi, was bringing his wife who is a cancer patient from the hospital in Jordan and was delayed far too long while he was checked.  When he complained the new director arrived, photographed his certificate, and threatened him with sanctions   in the future.  The driver told us that many residents of the seamline zone were complaining and that today there would be a meeting between residents of East Barta’a and the new checkpoint director.


There are only rumors regarding the length of the closureinfo-icon for the Purim holiday that will take place next week.  People were told that it would be from Monday to Wednesday and our friend A. said that they would announce it on the radio.  During the closure for the elections and for Purim workers in the Shahak Industrial zone in the seamline zone were not permitted to go out to work, but during previous closures they were permitted to go to work.  

Tura Checkpoint: 06:45 – The checkpoint only opened now.  20 people crossed to the seamline zone.  A woman who works in the Shahak Industrial zone complained that she is often late to work because the checkpoint does not open in time.   Cars were driving in both directions and crossing took place quickly.  A student crossed to attend high school in Jenin. 

07:05 – Junior high school girls began to school in the West bank, and children from the lone house arrived by car and were waiting for their ride to school in Um Reihan.