Etzion DCL

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Shlomit Steinitz, Natanya Ginsburg

Most of our shift was devoted to handing out details of Sylvia  to the many people who arrived as having been prevented either from the security point of view or criminal offenses, including traffic fines.

A man arrived who says that  his child suffers from Sotos, a rare genetic disorder of which there are very few cases in Israel. I think he has approached us before. The child and his mother live in Israel. The child is very handicapped but he is only allowed to accompany them six times in three months. 

A contractor from Zur Hadassah  arrived with one of his workers who had been suddenly sent back at the checkpoint.    This happens more and more. 

A man arrived for had lived in Israel for many years and evidently had had problems with his wife who had complained to the police and kicked him out. We advised him to speak to the people at Leap but he did not want to do so. It is frustrating though it does not happen often that we are approached about problems and, when we try to advise the person for some reason they are not prepared to try to help themselves. But one also feels sympathy. As Israelis we sometimes have problems trying to deal with bureaucracy and just give up. How much worse for  Palestinians.

It is heartbreaking to hear how often these people go to lawyers who take their money and do nothing for them.

Heartbreaking to see the despair of these people and the way they adapt themselves to this existence which can not be called a way of life.