Aanin checkpoint: who benefits from the funds poured into the occupation?

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Marina Banai and Ruthi tuval Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham


14:25 – Barta’a Reihan Checkpoint

Workers were beginning to return to the West bank from work.  All the parking lots on both sides of the checkpoint were full.  The valley nearby was becoming filled with dirt embankments for building more and more parking lots.  Cars were also parked along the main road south of the checkpoint.

14:45 – Yaabed – Dotan Checkpoint

There were two pillbox watchtowers on the way to the checkpoint.  Last week one of them was manned, but today they were empty.   The checkpoint was also unmanned and cars drove through slowly because of the concrete barriers and embankments on the road.

15:00 Hermesh Checkpoint

Traffic was flowing.  There was nothing left here from the checkpoint except piles  of sandbags and concrete barriers.

15:20 Tura – Shaked Checkpoint

The checkpoint was being operated by the border patrol.  There was little traffic and nothing noteworthy.  We wondered whether the wall that had been placed at the other side of the checkpoint would also be placed west of the checkpoint.

16:00 A’anin Checkpoint

We wanted to see the latest developments at the checkpoint that Neta had written about in her previous report despite the fact that the checkpoint is not open today.  There was evidence if previous activity.  Heavy equipment, cranes, and even a bus stood at the center of the checkpoint.  The wall, which will hide the pretty village, is being built in leaps and bounds.  The wall is being built on land that was never annexed by Israel known as the seamline zone.  The checkpoint is being manned by soldiers from the armored corps, who were a bit irritated at our presence.