'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tayba-Rummana

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Shosh Fried, Neta Golan, Shuli Bar (pictures and reporting), Chana Stein translating.
מחסום ברטעה 0555: פועלים יוצאים לעבוד בישראל. תור מפוצל מתקדם לאט לעבר הטרמינל
Barta'a checkpoint, 05:55. Workers are coming out, to work in Israel. A split queue approaches terminal slowly
Shuli Bar
בהמשך התור מתכנס לתוך סככה (מכולה), יוצא ממנה וממשיך אל הקרוסלה
The lines pass through a shed and move on to the turnstile.
Shuli Bar

06.30.  A’anin checkpoint

Most of those passing are farmers going to tend to their olive trees, both those that are close to the checkpoint and those that are far from it. A young man from A’anin reminds us that a month ago he asked for help in getting a permit to pass in a vehicle at Barta’a checkpoint. He has olive trees next to Um Reihan and has to reach there w a tractor. Unfortunately, we could not help.


07.45.  Rumna Taibeh checkpoint. This is a farmers’ checkpoint, but others also pass here. Some of the soldiers are very hostile towards us. For a long time we haven’t met such an attitude.
07.45. Rumna Taibeh checkpoint. This is a farmers’ checkpoint, but others also pass here. Some of the soldiers are very hostile towards us. For a long time we haven’t met such an attitude.
Shuli Bar
מחסום טייבה רומנה: לאחר כרבע שעה הפלסטיני (מכר ותיק) הורשה להמשיך בדרכו להפתעתנו.
There was a long discussion with K’, who wanted to cross to the seamline zone in an electric trolley. After about 15 minutes K’ the Palestinian (an old acquaintance) was allowed to continue with his vehicle, to our surprise.
Shuli Bar