Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hakvasim (sheep) Junction, Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills
At Meitar checkpoint, nine buses carrying prisoners’ families have crossed over successfully, the drivers say. In general, a much smaller number of workers get through to work – work permits have been surprisingly and suddenly denied.
After the recent terrorist attacks the army decided to encircle Hebron under “breathing blockade”, namely checkpoints, barriers and ‘gates’. Palestinians are fortunate to run into manned checkpoints, then they are able to get through in vehicles.
The army thus wishes to prevent friction between soldiers and Palestinians, and prefers unmanned barriers. Today, following the shooting near Teko’a, Sa’ir too was encircled.
This is what “breathing encirclement” looks like.

Samo’a – closed off with unmanned barrier – Dahariya is open – all the other localities as well as additional neighborhoods inside Hebron are blocked off. Children use the barriers to make some money. This following clip was taken at the barrier between Dahariya and Ramadin.
The settlers are using the situation to promote construction and increase pressure on the government.
Mitzpe Avichai is manned anew with tents and an Israeli flag
Inside Hebron
Between Giv’at Gal and the Tamimi family house a barrier has been added.
The soldiers no longer stand watch over Giv’at Ha’Avot, and construction of the Hazon David synagogue continues.
We stop at Abed’s, and this is a view of the Border Police checkpoint there, at the entrance to the Cave of the Fathers.

At 'Abed’s we hear the story of A. who came to testify at the ‘shooting soldier’s’ trial, and immediately following this, his permit to enter Israel was taken from him. We try to help him…
After seeing a youngster detained at 'Abed Checkpoint for over 40 minutes, we hear that young men ages 15-30 are not allowed into the area of the Cave of the Fathers at times when there is no prayer ongoing in the cave.
The youngsters complain to the TIPH
“Enlightened occupation”