There’s nothing like the Habla checkpoint to demonstrate the paradoxes, absurdity, bureaucratic banality, and injustice of the occupation. The very existence of this checkpoint affirms that the occupier recognizes the fact that Palestinians own the lands, fields, and business on both sides. Despite the occupier’s recognition, the Palestinians are required to obtain permits and authorizations to assert their ownership and confirm they belong here.
It’s still Eid el-Adha, relatively few Palestinians occasionally arrive and cross to and from Habla.
At 06:50 a family arrives – a man, two women and four very young children. They’re festively dressed, carrying a cooler and bags. The bags are set on the ground and inspected. The women go to the inspection building and soon return. Then the man goes. The women and children cross toward the plant nurseries and sit in the shed next to the water pump. They sit, and sit, and sit… the father doesn’t appear…
At 07:30 the checkpoint closes. The soldiers leave. We asked the women where they’re heading. “Out,” they reply. And where’s the man? Ahh, his permit is for the Eliyahu checkpoint so he returned through the village of Habla; you have to go through Qalqilya to reach that checkpoint, cross, get to the Habla checkpoint via the plant nurseries and meet the family. Who knows how long the family had to wait for him?!