Qalandiya - a swift passage for all

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Virginia Syvan, Ina Friedman (reporting)

Qalandia Recovers – Almost

Last week we wrote that unnecessary procedures were already spoiling the easy passage through the new checkpoint. This morning everything returned to normal: a swift passage for all. In one or two cases, the recognition technology was not working at two of the electronic turnstiles by the checking station we chose. But when the soldiers inside the adjoining glassed-in booth dealt with the issue, the problem was quickly solved.

Only when we exited the building did we discover a problem with the vehicle checkpoint: It was closed to traffic in both directions. A solution was found for cars and trucks traveling north in the direction of Ramallah by opening a gate in the wall surrounding a-Ram to enable vehicles to join up to Road 60 and from there to Kafr Aqeb and Ramallah or directly northward on 60. But those heading south into East Jerusalem were simply stuck. We could not see the size of the traffic jam on the other side of the checkpoint from where we stood, south of it. But we stood there for about half an hour and could imagine only imagine (with no one to talk to) the mess on the other side.

Afterward we wrote to Hanna and asked her to try and find out the reason for this “closureinfo-icon.” She replied that a water pipe had burst while work was being done on upgrading the road – somewhere: We could see no hint of this from our vantage or along the roads we left on, and we don’t know how long it continued. Frustrating!