Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim)

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Annelien K., Edith M. (reporting)

We arrived a little before 4:00. Promptly at four the gatesinfo-icon opened, and three minutes later the first people already got through into Israel. At 4:05 we went down to the separation barrier and saw that there was no line, everyone walked straight in to be checked as soon as he arrived. We performed several rounds of checking, moving from the separation barrier and around to the entrance into Israel, and everyone we watched for got through in about seven minutes. People greeted us and their friends, everyone seemed satisfied with the process.

Both the small gate on the way to the separation barrier and the large gate between the building and the parking lot stayed open all the time we were observing.

A minor point: The first time we sat down near the exit to watch for people coming through, it was dark there. Someone remembered to turn on the light only at 4:30.

We left at 4:50.