Hebron - steps are a Closed Miitaty Area

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Hagit Back (reporting and photographing); Natanya Ginsburg (translating)
המדרגות לבית הספר כפי שהיו בעבר
מדרגות שהיו מכוסות צמחית פרא

The steps are a Closed Military Area.

Ever since the group of Palestinian volunteers have begun to accompany the children of the Cordova school which is opposite Beit Hadassah, an activity which caused a violent reaction from the settlers, decided the military commander of the area to declare the area a closed military area.

Who is allowed to pass here? The residents of the  area and the settlers.

So it is when the army is the sovereign. And there is the symbiosis between them and the soldiers.

Closed military area order
The closed military area