The occupation routine, and good news – a new motor was installed for the water pump near the checkpoint.
The checkpoint is now open in the morning from 06:00 to 07:30.
05:00 We arrived. The checkpoint is still closed. No one on our side. A few people wait beyond the closed gates.
05:58 A military vehicle arrives, followed by a military jeep. They prepare to open.
06:00 They begin opening the gates.
06:05 The procedure of opening the gates continues. Now many people are on the other side of the checkpoint fence.
06:08 The process begins of checking people before they go through.
06:11 The first people cross to the seam zone in groups of five.
06:19 Horse and donkey carts, a car. No congestion; the wait is short.
A man barred by the police approached us to ask whether we handle such things. He had been tried for being in Israel illegally. Unfortunately, we couldn’t help. At least he can work in the plant nurseries.
06:40 More than 120 people have crossed so far. The flow lightens. Few are waiting; inspections go quickly. Some cross in smaller groups.
Nina notices there’s an additional fence along the path from the gate on the Palestinian side to the turnstile at the inspection booth, so now the path is fenced on both sides and people walk along a corridor like to the entrance to the cages (A photo is attached which, unfortunately, doesn’t really show what it looks like.).
06:45 Almost no people on foot. 140 people have already crossed. Cars go through.
H. reports that there’s no water in the village of Qarawwa, near Ariel. It has about 400 inhabitants. [We have no idea where that village is located; its name is unfamiliar]. He asked us to publicize the information.
He continues to complain that his sheep are still not allowed to move freely from their pen in the seam zone to where he lives, so he can’t use the grazing land near his home.
Two people return to Habla – there’s no work.
06:55 A trickle of people cross.
07:27 No people or cars going through.
Slightly more than 200 people crossed today.
At the conclusion of our shift we saw the pump near the gate in operation. Twenty days ago the Palestinians were finally allowed to install the electric motor donated by the Swedes for the pump (instead of the very old, polluting diesel engine) – after more than two years of discussions, arguments and conflict with the Civil Administration to obtain permission.