Al Aqaba (Village) / Jordan Valley, Hamra (Beqaot), Khalet Makhul
On Road 669, towards Beit She'an, at the Quarries Junction near Kibbutz Beit Alfa, numerous soldiers and military vehicles congregated early last week. Colorful flags (probably of the participating unit) waved. Maneuvers in the town of Beit She'an.
10:00 Bezeq checkpoint
We passed. Not one of the south-bound posts was manned.
The Jordan Valley has dried up. The gundelias are rolling in the breaze…
Rotem settlement
In the outpost south of this settlement, development work is ongoing, probably of guesthouse projects as well. A large khaki tent has been added, a goat pen, and a shack containing wooden planks (perhaps for construction). There are a new water tap and a colorful ornament on the white dome.
Uphill to Tyassir
Wheat fields are waiting to be harvested. Soldiers in the shade of one of the trees on the roadside. These are the only soldiers we've seen (except for those training in the Beit She'a Valley, whose base is located on road 669).
Tyassir checkpoint
Open. An army vehicle (Hummer?) is parked next to the watchtower. A soldier stands in its doorway. For lack of mutual interest, we continued towards Al Aqaba village. The lights around the checkpoint are on, and the stoplight yanked out.
Al Aqaba Village
The center of the village was quieter than usual. We met only the workers at the tea plant and the cheese-makers.
Allon Road
The dirt dike north of Gochya gate has grown longer and taller.
Hamra junction
Three woman soldiers in the watchtower. One of them was looking through field glasses. Apparently, she was monitoring 3 youngsters who passed the checkpoint compound, going west.
Khalat Makhoul
I. told us that all was quiet, they were not being harassed. There’s milk, cheeses, all’s well. He also said that one member of the family has left (we didn’t ask where to). Now there are only three families left there (it's a pity). He asked if we could bring them a baby car-seat.
Bezeq checkpoint (12:30) – we crossed, greeted by the soldiers.