Susiya - the settlers’ children and their herds trample the sprouting fields of the Palestinians
Smadar and Michal (filming and reporting) with Muhammad; Translator: Natanya
Concerned phone call from members of the Abu Kubeita family this morning.
A convoy of demolition vehicles is seen approaching their homes from a checkpoint on the Metsadot Yehuda side. Don't know who exactly. After fifteen minutes it was completely clear to them. They entered the property of their cousin Mahmoud and began to destroy a new house built for his son Osama. Two weeks before, he was happy to show us how much he invested and this and built a beautiful house from light materials, but a very well-invested house that will be ready for Osama's wedding. He expressed hope that they would not come to destroy the situation by knowing him, even though this is his land and his inheritance from time immemorial. And in the morning of the 23.1 they came and destroyed. They sent pictures in real time. So, we rushed there.
First, we brought basic necessities to his nephew and his neighbours, thanks to your donations. They live in great need,. They were happy to show us how they installed the net we bought for them to protect their windows from the stones thrown by the settlers.
When we came to Mahmoud and his destroyed house, our hearts were broken. There was no warning, no notification, and then all the objects and furniture in the house were buried under the rubble. They had no time to save anything.
In the video I took of it and in the photos, you can see the extent of the destruction.
"They want to kill us, the moment of the explosion in the West Bank is approaching," he says.
The warnings are coming from all sides, including from our security bodies and security experts. But the settlers and the army go on.
Wadha, our friends from a long time ago. It is always important to come see and hear. Azzam has also not worked for 3 months and is at home.
He says:
The settlers from the settlement Susiya send their children with their herds purposely go up to the fields that are sprouting now. He also tells of policemen who came and demarcated their space of freedom of movement. Only 50 meters from the house you are allowed to walk around without permission. This is what they said: "They limit us in every sense, and we must live."
He also asks: "Are they waiting for an explosion?" Wadha, despite everything, smiling, serves a simple and incredibly delicious khubeiza stew and a pita that is not like it anywhere. Wonderful olive oil and thyme. We bought olives made by her. Only hers are so delicious. Noble and good people whose garden always blooms, and their "home" always shines with its cleanliness. They also do not intend to move from their ancestral land. The heart is always heavy in these meetings. Despair and shame aree what we feel all the time.
Back, at the Meitar junction at the entrance to the South Mount Hebron Regional Council buildings is a new concrete block, manned by two soldiers.
As we approached the Meitar barrier about 100 meters in front of it, soldiers were holding up cars. A soldier with a gun guards and the other searches the trunk and the car itself.
20 minutes from the house on the other planet.