Etzion DCO: Where do confiscated Palestinian goods worth thousands of shekels go?

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Shlomit Shtinitz, Netanya Ginzburg

In front of `Rami Levy`, we passed two soldiers, who were sitting comfortably in the shadow of the bus stop and not in their positions! When we arrived at the DCO, we found a large group of men waiting, including Israeli drivers, all of them are connected to the confiscation of used goods and their trucks (Alta Zachen).

Nir, who was in charge of the confiscated goods, was there with a pile of papers to which he kept adding more and more forms. According to him, there are various warehouses where the confiscated goods are discarded. Two of them are in the West Bank, Ma'ale Amos and Barkan. The men bought the used goods with their own money, some bought/collected them from private individuals and some from companies such as electric goods stores. Beyond that, he didn't give us any further information. This is merchandise worth thousands of shekels. One of the men told us that he also had to pay 75 shekels for the "right to use the site." Each confiscated vehicle supports five to six families, they said. One man is the sole breadwinner of his widowed mother, the children of a deceased brother and his own family.

 There was another person with a completely different matter. They told him to come here from Acre about family reunification. Of course, there is no one in the window to help him.

And the big question still is who is profiting from all this.​