South Hebron Hills - The destructive development boomr continues

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Michal (reporting and photographing); Translator: Natanya
פוקיקיס - סאפינה מוציאה מפתח גדול המסמל  את זכות השיבה

We went to visit the Jadallah family who live in a small village, Fuqeiqis, scattered in the wadi between the two settlements of Nagohot A and B. They are very disturbed by the activities around them of the settlers and their branches than ever before.

Raniya, the daughter, and Safina, the mother, say that in the last few days the Israelis have been working on the hill with heavy equipment in addition to the fact that a road has been paved in the last two years. It seems that a new settlement is being planned there.

Their neighbours from the town of Beit Awwa have begun burning tires every evening to protest their very existence and harass them. The thick tire smoke is choking and harms their health. A female relative passed out and was taken to the hospital with breathing difficulties, but they continue because they have no choice.

Black smoke is a remnant of that. Black spots of burning residue can also be seen. Settlers live in a bus. In addition to the two Nagohots, there are individual farms since 2017 of Hagai Nissim, Havat Nagohot. I recommend reading about it on Google. They write so sweetly about their life and their goals. So different when compared to the reality experienced by the Palestinian neighbour. Rania is pointing from the window of the house at the hill with the bulldozers.

They also tell about the Haruw family from Beit Awwa. Three large Palestinian homes were destroyed in the past 3 months. The land is now being prepared for a settlement.

At the end of the conversation, Safina takes out a large key symbolizing the right of return and tells about their lands on which today there is a moshav, Shekef, in the south of the Lakhish region.

We will continue to monitor and report on

The destructive development boom in the entire south of Mount Hebron continues under the authority and responsibility of the Israeli government.