Northern Checkpoints: Spring Overcomes the Occupation

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Ruti T. and Marina B. (Reporting) Marcia L., Translation



14:50 - We passed by Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint.  Everything looked quiet and calm.  Five Palestinian cars waited for inspection at the crossing to Israel.


A young man and young woman riding on horses from a settlement named Al Neve, passed us.  We asked the young woman, who was dressed in a tank top (very provocative in the heart of a Moslem area), where she was from, and she told us that she came from Pardes Hannah.


15:10 - Ya’bed-Dotan


We noted that the soldiers were standing on the roof of the pillbox (the guard tower) and not inside it.  During the time we stood there looking at them, settlers passed by and asked us if we didn’t have something better to do.  Two soldiers came down from the pillbox and asked who we are and what is MachsomWatch?


15:45 - We arrived at Harmish Checkpoint and except for the beautiful flowers, we didn’t see anything interesting.


16:10 - Barta’a Checkpoint, the Seamline Zone side. 


Many workers returned from Israel, all of them without masks and all looked joyful, and we even got tangerines from them.


16:30 - We returned home.