Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, South Hebron Hills

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Leah (Hebrew), Judy (English) and Muhammad
דרום הר חברון - בית פלסטיני סגור מכל עבריו ע"י נגוהות א', ב' והחווה

Just before the Dura crossroad, there were two guard posts with 2 soldiers in each one located across from a well. Their duty was to prevent demonstrations and stone throwing from occurring there. Our first stop was at Khursa to meet with Tawfiq, a local resident. We met at his store which is located near an army lookout station. Road barriers have been built in front of the army station preventing villagers from gaining easy access to other parts of the village.

Tawfiq told us that the sewage container constructed for the use of the soldiers often overflows with their waste running onto the street. The smell is intolerable. What particularly worries the citizens is that when it rains, the waste flows down the street approaching a local spring. If it reaches the spring, the waste will contaminate the spring and make the water unusable. The army has been asked several time to fix the problem but has yet to do so.

From Khursa we drove in the direction of Negohot settlement. Negohot A is on a hill on the right side of the road; Negohot B is in a hilly valley on the left side of the road. One of the settlers owns a sheep farm.

An isolated Palestinian house sits across the road from Negohot B. Down the hill, there is a family grave (I am assuming it is a family grave).

On the hill above the house, another road being constructed to Negohot A (not sure if this is so. It may be going elsewhere). How long can this house and its occupants remain in this location?