A-Tuwani, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Muhammad, Daphna and a guest; Translator: Natanya

Sunday, Meitar checkpoint, busy as usual, the parking lot is full, no parking on the road.

From Highway 60 we moved to 317, sparse traffic, cultivated fields, waiting for rain ....

We passed Mnaizel. They finally managed to arrange for the children to have transport to the school.

We arrived in Susiya, and were happy to see that the playground, small and beautiful, unlike everything around, is still standing. Azzam and Wadha, were not at home, apparently at the olive harvest

At A-Tuwani, Nasser and Basil went with the volunteers to visit the surrounding villages, to see what was happening to them .... We talked to Abu Safi, who was going out with the flocks....

Hoping that everyone went out to their daily jobs, harvesting and grazing, a sign of some quiet... Hopefully.