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The container 18.09.08
The container 18.09.08
Sep-18-2008 Photo: Judith Spitzer
In construction. Vehicles coming from Bethlehem waiting to cross.
Photo: Judith Spitzer
Huwwara checkpoint 15.09.08
Huwwara checkpoint 15.09.08
Sep-17-2008 Photo: Nur Bar-On
Women dressed nicely for the Ramadan.
Photo: Nur Bar-On
Huwwara checkpoint 15.09.08
Huwwara checkpoint 15.09.08
Sep-17-2008 Photo: Nur Bar-On
Detainee in the confinement cell. The gate is not locked yet the man does not dare leave the area.
Photo: Nur Bar-On
Beit Furik 16.09.08
Beit Furik 16.09.08
Sep-14-2008 Photo: Chana Kasher
Inscription on the wall of military camp on the way to Beit Furik -"returning to Nablus since Josef still lives".
Photo: Chana Kasher
Huwwara checkpoint 16.09.08
Huwwara checkpoint 16.09.08
Sep-14-2008 Photo: Chana Kasher
"Public toilet" at the checkpoint.
Photo: Chana Kasher
מחסום בית פוריכ 16.09.08
מחסום בית פוריכ 16.09.08
Sep-14-2008 Photo: Chana Kasher
נשות "כחול-לבן" מבקרות במחסום
Photo: Chana Kasher
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Sep-12-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Second friday of Ramadan. Palestinians refused to let cross to Jeusalem praying in front of the checkpoint.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Sep-12-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. Soldiers on stand by at the heart of the garbage..
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Sep-12-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. A lucky Palestinian.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Sep-12-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. The unlucky Palestinians that were not allowed to cross to Jerusalem.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 12.09.08
Sep-12-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. Palestinians trying to approach the checkpoint to cross to Jerusalem.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Hebron 24.08.08
Hebron 24.08.08
Sep-11-2008 Photo: Hagit Back
A new Jewish neighbourhood in Hebron - Hebron's Heros
Photo: Hagit Back
Hebron 24.08.08
Hebron 24.08.08
Sep-11-2008 Photo: Hagit Back
A deserted Jewish neighbourhood in Hebron.
Photo: Hagit Back
Hamra/Beqaot checkpoint 09.09.08
Hamra/Beqaot checkpoint 09.09.08
Sep-9-2008 Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Palestinians waiting till the car in which they came is checked.
Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Tayasir checkpint 09.09.08
Tayasir checkpint 09.09.08
Sep-9-2008 Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Drivers checked by their car while the passengers must cross on foot through the checkpoint.
Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Jordan valley 09.09.08
Jordan valley 09.09.08
Sep-9-2008 Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Palestinian whose vegetables stall was destroyed by the army sleeping outside to guard what left of his property.
Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Jordan valley 09.09.08
Jordan valley 09.09.08
Sep-9-2008 Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
What is left from Palestinian vegetables stall that was situated on the Jordan Valley road and was destroyed by the army.
Photo: Dorit Hershkovitz
Ar-Ram 07.09.08
Ar-Ram 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
The separation wall in Ar-Ram is completed. No passage between the Dahiyat al Bareed and Ar-Ram.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
Tel Rumeida. An old Palestinian complains that a settler spited on him. The soldier would not listen.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinians waiting behind the red line to be called.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Children checked on their way to school.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinians waiting behind the red line until they are allowed to approach.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Adults and children on their way to school waiting behind the red line until they are allowed to approach the soldiers.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Hebron 07.09.08
Hebron 07.09.08
Sep-7-2008 Photo: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. 15 years old Palestinian boy that had no ID is detained. Later on he was send back home.
Photo: Paula Rubinek
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military leftover.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. 15 years old Palestinian injured in his neck from the army shooting. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried into the ambulance. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried in an ambulance to the hospital. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to bring their children, as they had to have birth certificates and be under 10 years old. Men over 50 and women over 45 were allowed in.
Photo: Ela Greenberg
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. Watching for any sign of "free will".
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to bring their children, as they had to have birth certificates and be under 10 years old. Men over 50 and women over 45 were allowed in.
Photo: Ela Greenberg
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to bring their children, as they had to have birth certificates and be under 10 years old. Men over 50 and women over 45 were allowed in.
Photo: Ela Greenberg
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. watching for any sign of "free will".
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers in action.
Photo: !Tamar Fleishman
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim 05.09.08
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to take their children with them unless they are under 10 years old and they carry birth certificate with them.
Photo: Ela Greenberg
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim checkpoint 05.09.08
Sep-5-2008 Photo: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to bring their children, as they had to have birth certificates and be under 10 years old. Men over 50 and women over 45 were allowed in.
Photo: Ela Greenberg