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Young generation under occupation Album

Hebron 07.09.08
Photographer: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Adults and children on their way to school waiting behind the red line until they are allowed to approach the soldiers.
Hebron 07.09.08
Photographer: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Children checked on their way to school.
Hebron 07.09.08
Photographer: Paula Rubinek
A new checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinians waiting behind the red line to be called.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian girl on her way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Children waiting to be checked on their way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian boy checked on his way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian boy checked on his way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian boy checked on his way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian girls waiting to be checked on their way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Handicapped boy on wheel-chair has to be checked too.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian children checked on their way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: Naama Morag
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian children on their way to school.
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestinian children on their way to school.
Qalandiya checkpoint 31.08.08
Photographer: !Tamar Fleishman
Hebron 18.09.08
Photographer: N. M.
Checkpoint in Tel Rumeida. Palestininian children on their way to school.
Ras Abu Sbeitan/Zeitim 05.09.08
Photographer: Ela Greenberg
First Friday of Ramadan. Attempts to cross into Jerusalem. Many families were not able to take their children with them unless they are under 10 years old and they carry birth certificate with them.
Huwwara checkpoint 29.07.08
Photographer: Nurit Wagner
Tayasir checkpoint 28.08.08
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
Children and MachsomWatch member at the checkpoint.
Beit Furik checkpoint 23.06.08
Photographer: Hanna Aviram
15 years old Palestinian boy accused of throwing stones at vehicles going to the settlment of Alon More'e, detained at the checkpoint.
Bethlehem checkpoint 08.05.08
Photographer: Claire Oren
The father is allowed to cross while the two boys are not permitted to go with him.
Tayasir checkpont 06.12.07
Photographer: Daphne Banai
School children crossing the checkpoint.
Tayasir checkpont 06.12.07
Photographer: Daphne Banai
School children crossing the checkpoint.
Ar-Ram checkpoint 22.07.08
Photographer: !Tamar Fleishman
Looking through the window of the bus while it is checked.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.07.08
Photographer: !Tamar Fleishman
How to cross the checkpoint with a baby and a pram while the humanitarian door is locked?
Tayasir checkpont 06.12.07
Photographer: Daphne Banai
School children crossing the checkpoint.
Beit furik checkpoint 29.05.08
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
Two Palestinian young girls waiting at the exit for their father who is still checked by the soldiers.
Qalandiya checkpoint 08.06.08
Photographer: !Tamar Fleishman
Remains of the shope. photographed on 18.05.06 ) after the army demolished the place.
Huwwara checkpoint 12.06.08
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
A sick girl , hardly walking, crossing the checkpoint.
Huwwara checkpoint 12.06.08
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
A Palestinian boy wearing a clown hut - crossing the checkpoint.
Anin 16.06.08
Photographer: Ruti Tuval
Qalandndiya checkpoint 04.05.08
Photographer: Judith Spitzer
An ambulance carrying 2 years old baby from Ramallah diagnosied as suffering from bleeding of the liver is waiting at the checkpoint for an ambulance arriving from the Israeli side to take the baby to Muqased hospital. The ambulance was kept for more then an hour, being send from one place to another until the expected vehicle arrived from the other side. Only then the documents checks were started and finally, after about 2 hours wait the baby was carried to the other ambulance that took her to the hospital.
Qalandndiya checkpoint 04.05.08
Photographer: Judith Spitzer
An ambulance carrying 2 years old baby from Ramallah diagnosied as suffering from bleeding of the liver is waiting at the checkpoint for an ambulance arriving from the Israeli side to take the baby to Muqased hospital. The ambulance was kept for more then an hour, being send from one place to another until the expected vehicle arrived from the other side. Only then the documents checks were started and finally, after about 2 hours wait the baby was carried to the other ambulance that took her to the hospital.
Hebron 06.05.08
Photographer: Merav Amir
The army is situated on the roof and life continues on the street.
Azzun Atme 19.05.08
Photographer: Osnat Rabin
The village high school surrounded by the houses of the settlement of Sha'are Tikva.
Huwwara checkpoint 22.05.08
Photographer: !Tamar Fleishman
A rare scene at the parking lot: a Palestinian child holding a toy revolver.
Hebron 160 checkpoint 27.05.09
Photographer: N. M.
At checkpoint 160: the closed gate does not provide enough space for the wheelchair of the handicapped girl to pass through.