Huwwara checkpoint Album

Photographer: Judith Levin
A Palestinian whose documents were not returned to him by the soldier after being placed in the counter. His documents were probably given to another person by mistake. Without his documents the Palestinians has to turn back and is unable to continue on his journey. After requests from MachsomWatch members the soldiers agreed to reconsider the situation and to try and help the man but only if he returns the next day.
A Palestinian whose documents were not returned to him by the soldier after being placed in the counter. His documents were probably given to another person by mistake. Without his documents the Palestinians has to turn back and is unable to continue on his journey. After requests from MachsomWatch members the soldiers agreed to reconsider the situation and to try and help the man but only if he returns the next day.

Photographer: Yehudith Levin
Carrying a suspicious load and therefore checked out of the car.
Carrying a suspicious load and therefore checked out of the car.

Photographer: Judith Levin
The blue door at the far left belonging to the women checking cabin, as seen from the location permitted for watching (according to the new order demarketing the checkpoint as a sterile area)..
The blue door at the far left belonging to the women checking cabin, as seen from the location permitted for watching (according to the new order demarketing the checkpoint as a sterile area)..

Photographer: Judith Levin
The location permitted by the army (according to the new sterile order) for watching the detainees area. No way of making any connection with the people kept there.
The location permitted by the army (according to the new sterile order) for watching the detainees area. No way of making any connection with the people kept there.