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settlers' activities Album

Hebron 20.08.07
Photographer: Michal Tzadik
The disputed building being inhabited by settlers and guarded by an army post.
Hebron 20.08.07
Photographer: Michal Tzadik
A poster condemning the attempt to remove the settlers from the wholesale market.
Hebron 20.08.07
Photographer: Michal Tzadik
A flat at the wholesale market after the settlers have been removed by force.
Hebron 20.08.07
Photographer: Michal Tzadik
The wholesale market in Hebron.
Hebron 04.08.09
Photographer: Hagit Back
Anat Cohen, the violent settler from Hebron approaching the vehicle carrying MachsomWatch members near the Hadassah checkpoint. She took pictures, cursed and even tried to take out the air out of the vehicle's wheel. The peak of the confrontation was a physical attack on one member in order to damage the camera she carried.
Hebron 04.08.09
Photographer: Hagit Back
Anat Cohen, a violent settler from Hebron, near the vehicle carrying MachsomWatch members (near the Hadassah checkpoint). She took pictures, cursed and even tried to release the air from the vehicle's wheels. The peak of the confrontation was a a physical attack on one member in order to demage the camera she carried.
Mitspe Abigail, 06.11.12
Photographer: Michal Tzadik
The Israeli government is improving the entrance to the Abigail outpost. Demolition orders for the Palestinians neighbors have been issued.
Huwwara 2004
Photographer: Noa Perelson
A settler using the checkpoint for getting lift to his destiny.
Huwwara checkpoint 2004
Photographer: Noa Perelson
Huwwara checkpoint 2004
Photographer: Noa Perelson
Huwwara checkpoint 2004
Photographer: Noa Perelson
Route 585 25.04.12
On the way to the Barta'a's checkpoint, near the road sign directing drivers to the settlements in the Seam Zone we saw a new sign advertizing sales of new houses in Hermesh settlement.
Hebron 21.05.12
This city is filled today with settlers. They are here to support the Beit Ha'machpela settlers and to demonstrate against the court and the government decision to evacuate the settlers. Border Policemen are everywhere, on the roof as well.
Hebron 13.07.07
Goldstein grave.
Hebron 13.07.07
Photographer: Dalia Kaveh
Closed Palestinian shops & army post.