Awarta checkpoint Album
מציר מדיסון לכיוון שכם ראינו כי נפרצה ונכבשה דרך עפר From Medison route to Nablus we saw a new dirt road
מציר מדיסון לכיוון שכם ראינו כי נפרצה ונכבשה דרך עפר From Medison route to Nablus we saw a new dirt road
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
The iron gate at the entrance to the village is shut and locked.
The iron gate at the entrance to the village is shut and locked.
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
At the entrance of the village, on the wall of a private house the inscription "Tag Price" was written and later camouflaged in a kind of scrabble deletion.
At the entrance of the village, on the wall of a private house the inscription "Tag Price" was written and later camouflaged in a kind of scrabble deletion.
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
At the exit from Awarta village a sign forbidding the Palestinians from using the road was posted (an apartheid road)
At the exit from Awarta village a sign forbidding the Palestinians from using the road was posted (an apartheid road)
Photographer: Yehudith Levin
Commercial vehicles need to go through inspection before entering Nablus.
Commercial vehicles need to go through inspection before entering Nablus.
Photographer: Nava Eisen
08:00 in the morning of Independance Day. A long queue of vehicles heading by an ambulanse waiting in front of the checkpoint which is closed until the group of Braslav Hassidim that had sneaked to Nablus during the previous night would be found.>
08:00 in the morning of Independance Day. A long queue of vehicles heading by an ambulanse waiting in front of the checkpoint which is closed until the group of Braslav Hassidim that had sneaked to Nablus during the previous night would be found.>
08:00 in the morning of Independance Day. A long queue of vehicles heading by an ambulane waiting in front of the checkpoint which is closed until the group of Braslav Hassids that had sneaked to Nablus during the previous night would be found.
08:00 in the morning of Independance Day. A long queue of vehicles heading by an ambulane waiting in front of the checkpoint which is closed until the group of Braslav Hassids that had sneaked to Nablus during the previous night would be found.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
14 students caught while crossing through Madison Road which is banned for Palestinians, kept in confinement for 4 hours. MachsomWatch member trying to help them.
14 students caught while crossing through Madison Road which is banned for Palestinians, kept in confinement for 4 hours. MachsomWatch member trying to help them.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
14 students caught while crossing through Madison Road kept in confinement for 4 hours.
14 students caught while crossing through Madison Road kept in confinement for 4 hours.