Abu Dis, Ras Abu Sbitan (Olive Terminal), Sheikh Saed, Thu 4.4.13, Morning

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Rahel M., Michaela R. (reporting)


An ordinary day under occupation.
6:20 Sheikh Saed
Today it's just adults crossing, with the exception of one boy.  Checking is orderly, performed in reasonable time.  The magnometer beeps incessantly, even the labourers are not spared the dance of one step forward, emptying pockets, one step backward, then forward again -- and sometimes over and over again, until the magnometer stops.
Olive Terminal
Two lanes are open,  Crossing is mostly fast.
Below the parking lot a sort of channel is being dug, perhaps in preparation for a wall/fence.
They don't like us here.  No sooner had we situated ourselves on the side, than a loud and arrogant officer threatened us, demanding we leave his checkpoint.  We moved in the direction of the main road but he continued to demand and threaten.  We didn't move, and he left. He is not the first to abuse his policing authority, and sadly not the last.
Nothing much happend at the checkpoint because an enormous traffic jam slowed down the flow of vehicles considerably.
