Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Sheikh Saed, Mon 21.10.13, Morning

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Judith E., Netta A., Anat T. (reporting)
Observers: Judith E., Netta A., Anat T. (reporting) 

Sheikh Saed

In Sheikh Saed we drove south along the security road from the new parking lot until we were stopped by a surprised border police jeep which wanted to know what we were looking for.  We said we were trying to figure out what is going on here, why a new checkpoint is being built in Sheikh Saed: will it link with the eastern ring road, and how (perhaps by means of this road)?  The soldiers did not know.  We'll await the visit of "Bimkom" to understand the over-all plan for this place.  It seems to us that a parking lot (actually a narrow and small strip) for the benefit of residents does not require such an investment.

We were not allowed to ascend to the checkpoint on its other side (Area B), and we did not insist because it was empty and we wanted to continue.  Later we spoke of this with the DCO representative who promised again to send a specific order to the officer and his soldiers in the location to permit human rights organizations to use the crossing.

We continued to Silwan and the Olive Terminal, where the construction of the wall has not yet been completed.

Wadi Nar

The fearsome road ascending to Wadi Nar has been improved, security fences added, and driving is safer, although -- despite clear signs forbidding driving in the opposite direction -- drivers may be tempted to do just that because the nearby road to Keidar is closed for improvements.  This road is intended for use from Wadi Nar to El-Azariya and the south of the West Bank. 

At the checkpoint we were welcomed by a pack of young dogs, less pugilistic than the older pack, but despite the soldiers' claim that "they're not ours" it was clear that they're encouraged to remain, giving the soldiers a greater sense of security.

On the way back, around 9:00, the congestion at the Az-Za'ayyem checkpoint from the direction of Ma'aleh Adumim had cleared.

In Sheikh Jarrah we stopped next to 3 detaineesinfo-icon without permits.  Two female soldiers were guarding them until the arrival of security forces to take them for interrogation.  We managed to photograph them, despite the soldiers' protests.