Etzion DCL

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Shlomit S., Ora A., Translator: Naomi Gal

Etzion DCL


  14.15 Fifteen  cars and one van were parked in the parking lot. The waiting hall was empty. All those waiting were inside. We waited for them to come out. We waited, but nobody came out. We phoned the Head Quarters and they promised to find out what’s going on.  The call probably helped somewhat. At 15:15 three people came out in a row. They all said they had waited since eight in the morning. Another person who followed them said he had arrived at 10:00. They got no explanation as to why no one addressed them and they were forced to wait seven or eight hours. A young man came out who said he had arrived at 07:30, others came out behind him. They did not come out in the order they had entered. People who arrived in the afternoon came out before those who arrived early in the morning. A middle-aged man arrived, was immediately let in and came out satisfied after fifteen minutes. He explained to us that "they know my family". A young man approached us and asked for our help. He said he has a Palestinian identity card. His mother and all his brothers have Israeli identity cards. When the mother requested Israeli identity cards for her children, they all got one, except him. At the  time he was 14 and a half years old and that might be the reason he didn’t get an Israeli identity card. He asked for advice. We gave him the phone numbers of Sylvia and of a lawyer.