'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 18.8.08, Afternoon

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Bil'ha A., Ofra (guest), Tamara H. (reporting); Translation: Galia S.


At 13:25 we arrive at Jubara Gate, opened for us after the sergeant warns the soldiers with the key not to talk to us at all.

The Schoolchildren's Gate (753)





13:30 – Checkpoint empty in all directions. Oppressive heat. The soldiers who man the post are standing with weapons pointed at an imaginary spot somewhere on the horizon. We continue on our way while Nadim takes us on a tour as a special treat (in honor of the guest?) to see the landscapes of this beautiful and cursed country.




15:45 – A totally deserted checkpoint. Four bored and yawning soldiers look at us as if we were aliens from outer space. After a short while we understand that we have nothing to do there and we leave to go on our way.