Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Hagit (reporting and Dvir; Translator: Tal H.

Nothing special happened in Hebron.

Three army preparatory classes are getting a tour of the city guided by Kiryat Arba settlers. God forbid they meet some lefties...


And they do not see this woman.

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This is what a routine inspection look like at the checkpoint next to Abed.

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Sheep cross there, too.

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A bit higher up, this graffiti: “Death to Arabs”.

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The signs that make Arab Hebron disappear.

How significant symbols are.

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But it is very bad. Complicated and complex, said Abed.

Next to the stairway to Cordoba School is an American citizen living in Tel Aviv who has come with two women friends. They are headed to the kindergarten to teach yoga there.
An Israeli paratrooper opens the gate for them.

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A beautiful day, the almond trees are not abloom yet.

I tell myself that I have grown accustomed to despair.