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Annelyn K., Tami K., A guest from England and a TV photographer, Nina S. (reporting)


Complaints about permits that are not being renewed – the system expands more and more. The occupation's routine.

It's hot, hot, hot. Never before had I stood in the sun when the temperature was 41 degrees in the shade. Workers who returned from work said that they just decided to stop work and go rest because of the heat.

We arrived early in order to be at the plant nursery with the TV photographer, there to prepare a story about Tami. A. is angry and irritated – he has four workers who refuse to work, since the job is too hard, and it is impossible to obtain permits for others workers. The other A. has been to the DCO to try and deal with the matter, but the results were one big nil. It is an order from high above and the problems grow and accumulate.

The CP is opened on time, 13:15, and the soldiers were very pleasant. The passage was quick and without incident, except for the horrible heat.

Bedouin women pass with a babyinfo-icon. They are being collected by people in a car, so that when they have passed they can go straight home – we wonder what their “home” is like. Probably a tin shack that is near to melting from the hear. A bicycle that fell sideways while its owner was being checked was picked up by a soldier who also picked up all the objects that fell off the carrier and returned them to their place. Girl students returned by bus from Habla, happy and merry. All is fine, but for the occupation.

The CP was closed a few minutes after the scheduled time and we continued on our way to our friend at Azun to unload parcels for his shop. He looks much better and it seems that the operation that was performed on him, has helped.